LA Marathon Training: Month Two Completed

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After two months of training I can honestly say I don’t know how I am going to run a marathon! I got three miles down, I can destroy those now but I am a long way from even 13 which would be half what my goal is.

marathon countdown 640x146 LA Marathon Training: Month Two Completed

These next couple weeks will really help to define it for me as they are starting to increase the mileage more and more and this weekend is a 10 mile run.  That being said I do love the time away from my desk job and feel like I am overall more healthy now then I was before, so there are some great positives there.  I have dropped my average mile over 2 minutes a mile as well and now run a comfortable 11:30 mile for 3 miles.

avg pace 640x112 LA Marathon Training: Month Two Completed

It has been great having training partners here at work who are running for their own races or just for health so I have been encouraged by others running with me.  Here is where my training schedule currently is with X’s on the training I have completed. You can see that since I am an avid hiker I have substituted some hikes in for running, but as the miles pick up I will be doing that less, as the long runs seem to be some of the most important.

marathon training 383x480 LA Marathon Training: Month Two Completed

I also got RunKeeper Pro and should be investing in a new running watch soon so I will update the blog with reviews of both of those when I get to spend some time with them. Thanks for following along and here are my current stats.


  • 27 activities
  • 76 miles ran, 22 miles hiked
  • 14,535 calories burned
  • 5 pounds lost and 2% body fat
  • 88 days till the marathon
 LA Marathon Training: Month Two Completed

About Josh

My name is Josh and I am a fan of the outdoors. On the weekends you will find me hiking or trying to complete any of the numerous adventures I have on my list. I live in Southern California and love the deversity that allows me to have in my daily life. I am part of the OutdoorPros Adventure Team. I also love photography and you can find me blogging on my California Travel Blog or Our Unique World Photo Blog.


  • Jeff Hester

    Keep it up, Josh! Looks like your training is going well.

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    • Josh

      Thank you! How many times a week were you running, does that plan I put in the post look kinda like what you did?

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      • Jeff Hester

        I would say that looks pretty similar. I was running four days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sometimes I subbed a long, strenuous hike for a long run, but it isn’t quite the same. At some point you’ll need to just do the long run, or maybe combine a hike/run (i.e. a trail run)?

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        • Josh

          Ya I agree, I have done the long runs the last two weeks and it Def makes a big difference.

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