Fish Canyon Falls

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Even though it has been a pretty dry year in Southern California, there are still some premier waterfalls flowing in our area. One of the best you can see in Southern California is that of Fish Canyon Falls, an 80 foot water fall that flows over three sections and is quite majestic if I do say so myself.  The only problem with this waterfall is that it is only open 8 days out of the year for the most easy access, and if you do not go during those days then it will be a 9 mile 2600 foot elevation brutal hike to get to the falls. That being said, we set out for the first of the easy days where you get shuttled over the rock quarry and could not have been happier with the hike and the falls. Here is the link to the open days so you can plan your trip as well.

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After arriving at around 8 in the morning we were surprised to see there was a lot of people already at the site. Parking is free though so we drove into the lot and parked before getting in line for the shuttle.

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The line itself didn’t take very long as there were two shuttles and the ride to the trail head is probably only 7 minutes. So after piling out of the shuttle we were ready to start the hike.

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This is a beautiful hike, one with all sorts of lush plant life and an amazing collection of photographic opportunities. The best part about it for us was the sun coming up over the mountains and the mist which was an amazing way to start the morning.

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Even though the trail was busy it still didn’t feel as crazy as a typical weekend in Eaton Canyon, at least as we were walking along it. That being said I didn’t stop to much for photos as there was usually someone waiting to pass or being held up if we stopped.

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The trail hugs a canyon side for most of the way and I would have to say it feels a lot like a tropical hike somewhere outside of California then in our dense SoCal. It was a very unique walk and Zac, Mike and I overloaded on the pictures.

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When we finally reached the end of the canyon you could start seeing all of the people at the bottom of the falls. The only problem with this is that the descent is slippery so it can be slow waiting for people to come up and down as you are getting to the base of the falls.

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Once you are there though you will not care as you will be soaking in the awesome waterfall that is before you. With its three tiers and decent drop this really is a beautiful place to relax and experience it all in.

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There were a wide range of people there including a man playing Amazing Grace on a flute and even my friend Jeff from SoCal Hiker. We spent a good 25 minutes there before heading back at around 10 o’clock.

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On the way back the trail was completely packed. We passed a lot more people then we saw on the way there which made me glad that we started early and that is the one thing I would recommend if you do this hike, start early.

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All in all though it was a great hike that I couldn’t recommend more, the trail is lush and the waterfall is powerful, what more could you want in Southern California?

Photo Gallery

 Fish Canyon Falls

About Josh

My name is Josh and I am a fan of the outdoors. On the weekends you will find me hiking or trying to complete any of the numerous adventures I have on my list. I live in Southern California and love the deversity that allows me to have in my daily life. I am part of the OutdoorPros Adventure Team. I also love photography and you can find me blogging on my California Travel Blog or Our Unique World Photo Blog.


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  • Jeff Hester

    Great bumping into you on this trail, Josh. I’ve added a link to this from my own Fish Canyon write-up.

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